Based on the MOU between Ministry of Public Administration and Security of the Republic of Korea (MOPAS) and Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications of the Republic of Bulgaria (MTITC), the National Information Society Agency (NIA) and Sofia University (SU) have signed Cooperation Agreement (CA) on 20th of September 2010 to establish the Korea – Bulgaria IT Cooperation Center (ITCC). Following the agreements, Mr. Jaehong Yoon was dispatched to ITCC as a Coordinator on the 4th of October 2010. For the official start of the ITCC, the first steering committee meeting was held at December of 2010.

The main role of the ITCC is to promote ICT cooperation between Bulgaria and Korea, through developing joint projects and exchanging experiences of the countries.





The Bulgaria-Korea IT Cooperation Centre’s mission is to promote ICT cooperation between Bulgaria and Korea, through developing joint projects and exchanging experiences between the countries involved.

A number of successfully projects have been developed with joint participation from Bulgaria and Korea. Some of the partners of the Bulgaria-Korea IT Cooperation Centre are the Ministry of Transport, Information Technologies and Communication, Bulgaria; The Ministry of Education, Youth and Science, Bulgaria; Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria; The University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria; on Korean side many corporate and governmental organizations have provided valuable know-how and cooperation for the on-going success of the development of the Bulgarian e-Government.

Chun BeehoIvan IlchevNedu Popivanov







Preface by H.E. Dr. Chun Beeho, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Sofia (806 downloads) Preface by Professor Ivan Ilchev, Rector of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (560 downloads) Preface by Professor Nedyu Popivanov, Director General of ITCC Bulgaria (567 downloads)


Who is Who





ontotext_logoOntotext provides a complete set of semantic technologies including text mining and GraphDB™, an RDF triplestore that performs inferencing at scale. 

Launched in 2000 as part of Sirma Group, Ontotext is a leading software provider of semantic technology.  Ontotext is jointly owned by Sirma, NEVEQ Capital and company employees.  Headquartered in Sofia, Bulgaria, Ontotext also operates offices in London, and Northern Virginia with partnersaround the world. Originally, Ontotext technology was rooted in on-going research taking place across a broad set of areas including Natural Language Processing, information retrieval, ontology design, linked data management and the application of reasoning to infer knowledge. 


91728553_scaled_268x194Mozaika is an SME and a Research Center providing research and solutions in the field of semantic data mining, natural language processing, human-computer interaction, data science.

It specilizes in building information infrastructures serving variety of applications such as enhancing creativity, research in the humanities,  industry/investment match making, human resources management, cutlural heritage cataloguing, smart cities and the like.

With respect to the publishing industry, Mozaika produces and publishes linked open data, virtual products such as interactive maps, geo-positioned linked data, etc. and offers scientific book series to the Bulgarian reader. It plans to introduce virtual itineraries to special places around the world, and intelligent reading and writing assitants in its offerings.


Dr. Mariana Damova (549 downloads)


PROJECT 2.2 E-Serveses 


LogoSentido-colorSentido is a dynamic software company that has extensive experience and successful projects in various fields of information technology. 



cita_logoCITA is established in 2008 as private consulting agency in Sofia.

CITA maintains a solid infrastructure, processes, practices and tools for delivering consulting services by attracting individual experts and companies for working in teams on various projects.

CITA helps IT professionals to become top rate consultants and focus on technologies, rather than on administrative work.

CITA presentation (497 downloads)


Nikolay Nedyalkov (834 downloads)




icb-logo-vINTERCONSULT BULGARIA (ICB) has been founded in 1996 with main business focus on software development and business consulting. Today more than 90% of the ICB turnover is generated from companies in the Nordic region, the UK, the USA, Germany and other countries. 

During the years ICB has established itself as a leading provider of innovative software solutions in the fields of industrial engineering, maritime, banking and financial services and information technologies. ICB has more than 130 experienced professionals in staff today specialized in the areas of business process modeling, software architecture design, software development, quality assurance and 3D modeling and design.

ICB Company presentation (485 downloads) Collaboration Portal Video (477 downloads)


Stoian Boev (675 downloads) Veselin Stoyanov (577 downloads)


PROJECT 2.4 Analysis 

ARC Consulting EOOD

arclogoARC Consulting EOOD is the wholly owned consulting arm of ARC Fund, Bulgaria, a leading research think-tank in the area of information society, innovation and technology transfer. The company was set up in 2006 with the goal of further developing the experience of ARC Fund into consulting capabilities and commercialization of the knowledge pool of the organization. 

ARC Consulting profile (550 downloads)


PROJECT 3.1 Smolyan


logo_datacomDatacom Ltd and ISY Intellect Ltd are completely independent private companies in the field of Information Technologies (IT). Both companies established the ISY Intellect/DataCom (ISY-DC) Team.

The Team provides cost-effective and comprehensive IT solutions based on open system standards. The implementation of industrial standards enables a high degree of hardware and software independence. This independence allows us to provide “best-in-class” solutions.

In order to achieve the main clients goals, as well as to cover their specific requirements, we are using a flexible approach, that allows us to provide high quality development and consultancy resources for each project.


Stanimir Stoyanov (576 downloads)


PROJECT 3.4 e-Learning


Roumiana Peytcheva (545 downloads)


PROJECT 3.5 Biometrix


Kamen Spassov (611 downloads) Bae Kyung-yul (732 downloads)


PROJECT 3.6 Promotion


Bojil Dobrev (589 downloads) Eleonora Getsova (561 downloads)