Project 4.2 Biometric Recognition Implementation

At the end of 2014 Bulgarian-Korean project “Application of Access Control Systems Using Biometric Data in Students Education” was completed. This is a continuation of the project “Development of a prototype access control system (to premises, software, etc.) using biometric recognition (in particular fingerprints) “funded by IT Coordination Centre (ITCC) – a joint project of Sofia University” St. Kliment Ohridski “and the National Information Society Agency (NIA) of the Republic of Korea.

After completion of the first part of the project, attempts were made to commercialize the results. Presentations and demonstrations were organized with state administrations (Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Transport Information Technologies and Communications, etc.), banks (UniCredit, etc.), as well as private companies. Unfortunately, it turned out that in Bulgaria there is no serious interest in access control systems based on biometric data. There was an unsuccessful attempt such a system to be implemented for access control at Sofia University. We looked for opportunities to use the results of the previous project in the process of teaching students. After series of talks and demonstrations (at Academy of the Ministry of Interior, Criminology Lab at the Law Faculty of Sofia University, etc.) a decision was taken in the curricula of the elective course for students in Bachelor’s degree programs “E- business: strategy, architecture, design” and in the curricula of the compulsory course “Fundamentals of Electronic Business” of the Master’s degree program “E-business and e-government” to include a lecture and a seminar on “Access control systems using biometric data.” The lectures were held during the winter semester 2014/2015.

In June 2014 an open lecture took place at Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics. Access control systems using biometric data were presented and demonstrated to the audience.

For the needs of Master’s degree program “Information Protection in computer systems and networks” in Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University a set of in the class exercises was developed using the equipment. The equipment together with the developed exercises and other literature were handed over to the head of the Master’s program “Information protection in computer systems and networks” Assoc. Prof. Dr. Milen Petrov. The exercises will be included in the education process of the new academic year 2015/2016.

In relation with work on these two projects the student Vladimir Korichkov of Master’s degree program “Innovation and Technology Entrepreneurship” is preparing his thesis on “Development of information security systems based on biometrics and modern cryptographic methods,” which is scheduled to be presented in July 2015.

In case of expression of interest we can organize demonstrations of systems and devices. We are open to discuss specific solutions tailored to the needs of a particular organization.


  1. Acceptance protocol for transferring equipment to the Head of Master’s degree program “Information Protection in computer systems and networks”
  2. A set of Laboratory exercises
  3. Photos
  4. Other documents


Assoc. Prof. Kamen Spassov

Head Master’s degree program “E-business and e-government”

Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski “

Department “Computing Systems”


Mobile: 0898 422 585

Lecture Participants



Lecture fingerprint (381 downloads) Demo (547 downloads)