Project 1.2 Development of Evaluation Tool (KPI) for Bulgaria e-Government development

Executive summary

This document presents the results from the project “Development of evaluation tool (KPI) for e-Gov development” developed by the Bulgaria-Korea ITCC. The results are based on analysis of strategic documents regarding e-governance in Bulgaria and South Korea and reference key performance indicators (KPI) from South Korea, Bulgaria and countries from the European Union. The suggested KPIs are designed to measure critical e-Gov success factors (objectives). They are structured in five strategic perspectives inspired by the widely used Harvard Business School strategic management framework – Balanced Scorecard.

The KPIs from the General perspective are intended to evaluate the development of the e-government in Bulgaria as a whole.

The KPIs from the other four perspectives pertain to individual e-government projects (e.g. implementation of a new electronic administrative service for citizens). They should be used:

KPI Perspectives

Because the e-government exists to serve the citizens of Bulgaria, the KPIs from the Customer perspective are positioned on top of the other KPIs. Their aim is to ensure total customer satisfaction from the e-government.
The KPIs from the Internal Business Processes Perspective measure the time and cost efficiency of the business processes that deliver and support the e-government projects and services, as well as the quality of the business processes.
The KPIs from the Human, Information and Organizational Capital perspective make sure that the administration employees, ICT and organizational culture are adequate to support the achievement of the objectives of the Bulgarian e-government.
Finally, in order to achieve the desired results in the Customer, Business Process and Human, Information and Organizational Capital perspectives, the availability and efficient use of financial resources is measure by the KPIs from the Financial perspective.

Further developments

For this evaluation tool to become usable, target values for each KPI must be assigned. The calculation of some of the KPIs requires access to internal government information. Therefore the commitment of the MTITC is essential for the successful application of this evaluation tool. Finally, this report explains the importance of a methodology for selection of projects for financing in a situation with limited resources and provides a simple example of such a methodology.


01_03_02 e-Gov KPI Report (534 downloads)